Eka Sitha Dethenaka [ F - 4/4 ]

Artist : T.M. Jayarathne
| F  | -  | Am | -  |
| Gm | -  | F  | -  |
| F  | -  | Dm | -  |
| C7 | -  | F  | -  |
| -  | Bb | F  | -  |

Eka sitha detenaka natara wela
      Bb    Eb   F
Obe sitai mage sitai
	 C       F
Desitama ekama sitak wee
      Am    Gm
Obe lagai mage lagai
C       Gm       F
Ea sita detenaka natara wela

| F  | F7 | Bb | -  |
| F7 | -  | -  | Fm |
| F  | F7 | Bb | D7 |
| Gm | Bb | F  | -  |

[Verse 1]
Laso tewul meda oba selena wita

Mage nethada welape
Bb	        F
Sina tepul meda oba senasena sanda
Gm	         F
Mage sithada senase

[Verse 2]
Obe pethuma maa patana lowamai

Ape sithum samawe
Bb	     F
Obe mage yei wenasak nohege
Gm	         F
Obawa yalidu hamuwe

Contributor : Kasun Chathuranga (chathurangamdk@gmail.com)

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