Chandikamata Randuwak Wela [ G - 6/8 ]

Artist : T.M. Jayarathne
G                       Am
canadikamata randuwak wela
D                       G
punchi putha inne hangila

[Verse 1]
G               Em          Am
aiyata gahala - nangiwa wikala
D                     G
yaluwo tika tharaha wela
       Am         G
sellam karanne ka samagindo
D                       G
punch puth dan thaniwenawa

[Verse 2]
G             Em         Am
aiyai nangi - yaluwo gonnai
D                      G
serama honda daruwo wela
          Am                    G
eka muthu unanam - ne honda wenne
D                         G
punchi lamai wasa na patiyo

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Contributor : Anuaradha Mahapatuna (

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